Petitions (the people's pleas to the king and other authorities)

Petitions are applications or pleas from the people, addressed to the government, e.g. the king, the governor or the parliament. The sender could request financial support, tax relief, the right to a particular property, permission to carry out a business or help to collect a debt. The petitions were a way also for poor and in many respects powerless women and men to make their voices heard, put forward a request and sometimes get it granted. Since petitions could be submitted to many different authorities, they are also found in many different archives.

To the Queen
To Krigskollegium (the Military Board)
To the Fleet's pension fund
To the County Administrative Board in Örebro
To Ambassador Curt von Stedingk
To the regiments
  • Rullor 1660 Rolls 1660. Letters and petitions from musters in western Sweden in April and May 1660.
  • Rullor 1663 Rolls 1663. Petitions and resolutions at the general muster in Finland in 1663.
  • Rullor 1669 Rolls 1669. Letters, petitions and certificates from individuals, etc.
Index of petitions

Download and search an index of petitions received by the County Administrative Board in Örebro in the 18th century. The index includes information about almost 800 petition cases, among other things the content of the petitions and the people involved.

Download the index (Excel) (in Swedish)
Download an introduction to the index (pdf) (in Swedish)